Saturday, January 8, 2011

Round 3 Phase 2 Day 6 and 7

Yesterday was not bad. I released 1.6 lbs. Pretty excited. I don't mind if I keep loosing at least 1 pound a day as the average for women is 1/2 a pound. Today I released 1.4 lbs. So, with this I am so close to going into the 100 range. I am so excited about this.
One thing I don't understand is this...I have read and watched longs of blogs/vblogs and so many who are doing HCG is not doing by protocol. I know they are still loosing weight yet the key is stabilizing when you get into phase 2. For me I can't afford to go off of protocol. I want to stabilize and not have any problems doing so. If people are going off protocol because they are bored with the food, there are so many recipes out there for phase 2. Phase 2 is ONLY 23 days (unless you want to do a longer round), I think any of us can stick to the simple foods for 23 days in order for us to be able to "taste" skinny and healthy.
Dr. Simeon has tested this for 50 years, I think he knows what he is doing. I trust him and will only go by the (HIS) book.
Until tomorrow or the next, Happy releases, stabilization and maintenance!

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