Monday, October 18, 2010


It's been awhile since I posted my stats so here they are:

Start Today Decreased
Neck: 16.25 14.50 1.5
Arm: 15.75 14.00 .75
Bust: 48.00 43.00 2.25
Waist: 39.75 34.00 4.25
Stomach: 42.50 39.75 3.5
Hip: 50.25 45.00 3.25
Thigh: 30.00 26.50 1.75
Calf: 19.25 18.00 .75
18 " lost

Weight: 268 213 55.2 lbs released

I still have a long way to my ultimate goal yet I'm on my way!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lynnda according to your measurments for you bust you lost a total of 5", not 2.5! Which means that your total inches lost would be 20.75! Congrats!
