First thing I did that day was to go to the bathroom when I woke up and get on the scale. I was in shock as it read (ok, here I am being honest. I can do this as I won't be at this weight again) 264lbs. I have never weighed this much. The most was in the 250's. This is where "faith" came in as I knew the way I was going to eat for these two days were going to have me gain. I would take my HCG (I was doing homeopathic drops) 6 drops, 3x day. The first two days you are to eat as much fat as you can, in fact you are to "gorge" yourself on fats (Wow, this is going way against my believes!!!).
In the book "Pounds and Inches", it states:
Gain before Loss
Patients whose general condition is low, owing to excessive previous dieting, must eat to capacity for about one week before starting treatment, regardless of how much weight they may gain in the process. One cannot keep a patient comfortably on 500 Calories unless his normal fat reserves are reasonably well stocked. It is for this reason also that every case, even those that are actually gaining must eat to capacity of the most fattening food they can get down until they have had the third injection. It is a fundamental mistake to put a patient on 500 Calories as soon as the injections are started, as it seems to take about three injections before abnormally deposited fat begins to circulate and thus become available.
The first day I remember eating a huge breakfast of hash brown and eggs with sour cream and cheese. It was really good. I can't remember all the foods I ate yet I do remember when lunch came around I was still not hungry, yet I knew I had to eat. I found if I drank a milkshake, I was able to intake more fat. By the first night, I was so sick. The next morning I still did not want to eat yet I knew I had too. I "forced" food in me. Feeling bloated and yucky. I did not do much that day. I was not liking these LOADING days at all. I couldn't wait until I got to the Very Low Calorie Diet (vlcd) to start. I gained about 4 pounds in those two days. Not fun at all!!!
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